jetZILLA - the Online Magazine of Amateur Jet Propulsion jetZILLA - the Online Magazine of Amateur Jet Propulsion jetZILLA - the Online Magazine of Amateur Jet Propulsion

L A T E S T   E D I T I O N  . . .


jetZILLA - Volume 2, No. 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar 2005 EDITION

   The Soul of a New Machine - 
   Designing, Building and running 'The Short Lady'
   Focused Wave Valveless Pulsejet Engine
   by Larry Cottrill

   Eric Beck's Pulsejet Calculator  
   - Version 1.4 [August, 2003] - download link!
   by Eric Beck

   Exciting International Year of the Valveless Pulsejet 
   mini-posters now available!
   by Larry Cottrill


E A R L I E R   A R C H I V E D   E D I T I O N S  . . .


jetZILLA - Volume 1, No. 6 - August/September 2003 EDITION
   Metals in Pulsejet Interiors - 
      Destructive Tests Reveal the Truth!
   Combustion Jam Jars
   Proposed Design for Simple Ramjet Engine

jetZILLA - Volume 1, No. 5 - June 30, 2003 SPECIAL EDITION
   Can the Guy Next Door Build His Own Cruise Missile? 
      Yes!  [and why that may not be the disaster 
      you're expecting!] - Part II -
   Bruce Simpson Responds to 'Can the Guy Next Door  
      Build His Own Cruise Missile?  - Part II -'

jetZILLA - Volume 1, No. 4 - June 16, 2003 SPECIAL EDITION
   Can the Guy Next Door Build His Own Cruise Missile? 
      Yes!  [and why that may not be the disaster 
      you're expecting!] - Part I -
   Bruce Simpson Responds to 'Can the Guy Next Door  
      Build His Own Cruise Missile?  - Part I -'

jetZILLA - Volume 1, No. 3 - April/May 2003 Edition
   Real Jets, Real Cheap - Part I
   Real Jets, Real Cheap - Part II 
   Get Your Copy of Original Lockwood Research Paper 
   Proposed design for Reciprocating Valveless Pulsejet Engine 

jetZILLA - Volume 1, No. 2 - March 2003 Edition
   Roar from 'The Land Down Under' - Gary Robinson's Lockwoods
   Get Your Copy of Original Lockwood Research Paper 
   'Reynstodyne Shark' tiny valveless pulsejet design 

jetZILLA - February 2003 - PREMIERE EDITION!
   How to use a pulsejet engine to power a model vehicle
   Bladder Fuel Tanks for R/C Pulsejet Models 
   The 'Cottrill LT/GT Dagger' (aircraft design) 

jetZILLA Initial Press Release - 11 Feb 2003

Soli Deo Gloria
Johann Sebastian Bach 1685 - 1750

And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever ..."
Thomas Jefferson, Notes On the State of Virginia

Page updated: 11 March 2009

Copyright 2004 Cottrill Cyclodyne Corporation
- All rights reserved -