WHY is this man smiling?   [correct answer revealed below]
A - He's just discovered a new non-electric tanning method!
B - He's finally obtained adequate hearing protection
C - He just got his homebuilt jet engine running FULL ROAR!
D - He has a cold draught waiting for him when this is over
E - He's just seen his article published in jetZILLA ezine!
Gary's 'mini Lockwood' pulsejet engine running full roar - photo by Gary Robinson
Photo (C) 2002 Outwestjets
The correct answer is:
      ALL Of The Above !!!

That's Australian pulsejet builder Gary Robinson - see his
story, Roar from 'The Land Down Under' - How I built my
first Lockwood valveless pulsejet, in the March 2003 edition
of jetZILLA online magazine!
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Page updated: 24 March 2003
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